Credits :
[-] Blank-Hackerz
Greetz To :
[-] Blank-Hackerz
[-] All member soundbreakers
[-] All member N2
[-] All member N3
Fitur & Hotkey :
[-] Speed Hack | ALT Kiri |
[-] Invicible Kill Time | F2 = On | | F3 = Off |
[-] Replace | Page Up = On | | Page Down = Off |
- WP Smoke ++ Kuning
- Akses Charater
- Def Helmet ++
- Piso Combat
- Mini Uzzi
- Coklat Bom
[-] Blank-Hackerz
Greetz To :
[-] Blank-Hackerz
[-] All member soundbreakers
[-] All member N2
[-] All member N3
Fitur & Hotkey :
[-] Speed Hack | ALT Kiri |
[-] Invicible Kill Time | F2 = On | | F3 = Off |
[-] Replace | Page Up = On | | Page Down = Off |
- WP Smoke ++ Kuning
- Akses Charater
- Def Helmet ++
- Piso Combat
- Mini Uzzi
- Coklat Bom
DownLoad Cheat SoundBreak v.110.2 [1.2 mB]DownLoad password
Lihat hasil scan virustotal
Tutorial :
[-] Buka PB Launcher
[-] Buka Injector
[-] Start PB
[-] Klik b!LLkRaZ
[-] Isi Password
[-] Tekan Enter Untuk Menghilangkan Notice
[-] Buka PB Launcher
[-] Buka Injector
[-] Start PB
[-] Klik b!LLkRaZ
[-] Isi Password
[-] Tekan Enter Untuk Menghilangkan Notice
Download Jamu agar Cheat PB WORK dan tahan lama :
[-] download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 [Install] [wajib]
[-] download Vcredist x86 [Install] [wajib]
[-] download D3DX9_42.dll [Simpan di folder C:\Windows\System32]
[-] download D3DX9_43.dll [Simpan di Folder PointBlank]
[-] download msvcr100.dll [Simpan di Folder PointBlank]
[-] download msvcp100.dll [Simpan di Folder PointBlank]
[-] download msvcr100d.dll [Simpan di folder C:\Windows\System32]
[-] download msvcp100d.dll [Simpan di folder C:\Windows\System32]*** SEMUA JAMU WAJIB untuk Cheat yg pake D3D menu.!!***
[-] Kalau masih BugTrapt, gunakan metode FlashDisk.
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